Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Thursday, October 21st, all Kindergarten classes will be going to Moore Farms in Bullard.  The children will get to see a real pumpkin patch, visit with the farm animals, and go on a hayride!  We will leave TPS promptly at 8:30 a.m. and return by 2:30 p.m.  There is a $4.00 fee for each student.  All parents will be charged $6.00.  We would love to have parent help!  You may send in money for student and parents now.  Your child will need a sack lunch (NO LUNCH KITS/BOXES, PLEASE!) and two bottles of water. Please do not send juice as juice attracts bees at the farm. Please label the bottles of water and the sack lunch with your child’s name.  If you plan to go to the pumpkin patch you can meet us at the farm or follow us there.  You can visit to learn about the farm and get directions to the farm.  

Thanks for your help. We will have a fun filled day at the pumpkin patch!

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