Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kindergarten Makes Stone Soup

Kindergarten Makes Stone Soup

Check out the video above of Kindergarten reading the book Stone Soup and then making their own Stone Soup!

First Grade Letters To Santa

Dear Santa,
How are you? I was good this weken. I can't wayt untill Christmas. I want a Dsi, a i pod, a lagoona Doll and a Monster high note pad. you are the best santa ever.


Dear Santa,
how are you? i am fine,


Dear santas
how are you?
I am good .I have dovwn dirin nise.I WANT A IPAP ,A LAPTOP,A MARIO MOVIE,A SUPER
mario, anda have been rile good.i love alexis.

Dear santa,
How are you ? I em good. I want a ntend3Ds,a Paweracer sameri,
a supromow rascar 73D, a smurf DvD, 2 of them, a suprmrow3D lend.

dear santa hou are you i am good i wanta dook a dog/agame /a k

First Grade Letters To Santa

dear santa,
How are you? I am a good grl .I like santa. sas nta is nice. I want a ds, a house, a wii, aand a puppy.


Dear santa,
How are you Im good.Have you Ben gooD? I ben good today. I love you santa.
I want a moster hige 5 pen lipstick a moster hige makeup


Dear santa,
how you? i want a chemis tree, a mario skat, a santa class, and a skhatbuorrd.


Dear santa.
How are you? I am good. you are preade. I want an IPad, a DS, a lap,a pool,a wotch,a baby, and a modosickoe.I like you.
love, evelyn

Love, Evelyn

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We've almost made it through the first 6 weeks of school! We have been busy in ESL learning new vocabulary and spelling words. Please have your child practice writing and spelling out loud their spelling words each night. They have a spelling test at the end of each week. Also please review their vocabulary words with them each night. In our ESL class we act out these words, use these words in sentences, and draw pictures for these words. Your child also has a vocabulary test at the end of each week. I will be starting the Family Literacy Project in October and would love for your family to be a part of this project. I will be sending a not home about the Family Literacy Project in October. Thank you for all of your support. I am so proud of the progress all ESL students have made in the first 6 weeks of school!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Green Eggs and Ham

We made Green Eggs and Ham to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday on February 2nd. Dr. Seuss books are great at helping kids learn rhyming words. They also increase students confidence in reading because they are able to read many rhyming words! We all wore pajamas and enjoyed making green eggs and ham. Each student cracked an egg and then helped throughout the cooking process. Most students loved the eggs and wanted seconds even though they were green! After eating students enjoyed listening to Dr. Seuss books.

Community Helpers

Kindergarten classes enjoyed visits from
community workers during our unit on Community Helpers. A dental hygenist discussed the importance of good dental hygiene and gave each student a new toothbrush. A dairy farmer taught us how to milk a real cow! Mrs. Austin (Ethan's mom) showed students tools she uses at her job. Three firefighters brought their firetruck to the Primary and showed Kindergarten tools they use to keep the community safe.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Less Than, More Than, Same Number As

We have learned to use one-to-one correspondence and language such as more than, same number as, or less than to describe relative sizes of sets of concrete objects. Students worked in pairs to sort various sizes and colors of noodles into groups. Students then had to compare their groups and label their groups with the appropriate langugage, more than, same number as, or less than.

Learning Centers

We love learning in centers everyday! Here are a few pictures of students being creative with blocks and helping others learn their numbers!